By Xue Jun
CONGO, Apr. 19 (ChinaMil) -- Lieutenant General Derrick Mbuyiselo Mgwebi, Force Commander of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), honored the 21st Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment to Congo (K) with special awards at the closing ceremony marking the successful completion of a major bridge restoration on April 16, 2018.
Mgwebi said that the Chinese peacekeeping engineers completed a very challenging project and expressed heartfelt thanks to the Chinese engineers for their contribution to the people of Congo (K).
The bridge restoration task was a temporary assignment for the Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment. Congo (K) is in the rainy season. The only road connected the Walungu and Mwenga was damaged due to the continuous heavy rain. Half of the bridge deck of the Biloromnili bridge was collapsed, which is the main part of the road, and it had seriously affected normal travel for local people.
The Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment sent a special team to carry out the restoration project. They worked ten hours a day during the construction and finally completed the mission in a professional and excellent manner.