Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 30

Ministry of National Defense
Li Wei
2021-10-09 11:27:55


Question: It is reported that the Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorism military exercise of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was successfully held in Orenburg, Russia. Please introduce the highlights and achievements of this event.

Answer: The Chinese military took part in the SCO Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorism military exercise at the Donguz training range in Orenburg Oblast, Russia, from September 11 to 25. During the planning phase, troops from different countries trained together and learned from each other. They also cooperated closely during the live-fire anti-terrorism exercise, achieving the expected goal and reinforcing their determination and competence in jointly coping with the threat from international terrorism. General Li Zuocheng, Member of China’s CMC and Chief of the CMC Joint Staff Department, inspected the live-fire exercise with other leaders of participating militaries during his attendance at the SCO chiefs of general staff meeting.

This exercise has four highlights. First, there has been an expansion of the participating members. Belarus took part in the exercise for the first time as an SCO observer state. Member states of the SCO, including China, Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, have sent over 4,000 troops all together, making the exercise the most widely participated in its history.

Second, the organization and implementation of the exercise have adapted to the new normal. In accordance with the requirements of operational command and the exercise, a three-level commanding system was set up, comprising the joint directing department, joint anti-terrorism commanding department and actual troops. The exercise was carried out in the basic mode of "consultation at strategic level, command at operational level and action at tactical level", which provided a model for multilateral joint exercise under normalized pandemic prevention and control measures.

Third, new modes have been explored in command and planning of the exercise. In the operational commanding center under the joint directing department, commanding officers from different countries brainstormed and made decisions at various levels of strategic background setting, strategic and operational commanding and live-fire drills. In the joint anti-terrorism commanding department, commanding officers were mixed in teams for in-depth cooperation. The tighter coordination and deeper integration manifested the combat concept of joint forces, resulting in their combat effectiveness.

Fourth, new content has been added to the live-fire training subjects. Based on the need in real combat and following the changed pattern of current anti-terrorism operations, including the trend of frequent drone attacks by terrorists in recent years, the exercise incorporated resistance of drone attacks into the training subjects, which further improved the troops' real combat capabilities in joint anti-terrorism operations.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the SCO. With the personnel efforts of their heads of state, the defense authorities of the SCO member states have been adhering to the "Shanghai spirit", enhancing strategic mutual trust, making concerted efforts in coping with regional security challenges, constantly deepening pragmatic exchanges and cooperation, and jointly pushing forward the construction of the SCO community of security. At a new historic starting point, China is willing to work together in unity with all SCO member states to steadily deepen defense and security cooperation, build a strong defense to safeguard peace and tranquility in our region, and make greater contributions to the peaceful development and common prosperity of the region.

Question: It is reported that General Li Zuocheng, Chief of the Joint Staff Department of the CMC, had a video conference with UK’s Chief of the Defence Staff recently. Meanwhile, the British Royal Navy has sent two patrol ships to the Indo-Pacific for at least 5years of regulardeployment, and the British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth also docked at the US naval base in Yokosuka, Japan for the first time. Media reports say that the UK aimed to proclaim to its allies and partners its determination and capacity to manage the Indo-Pacific for a long time. What’s the comment of the Chinese side?

Answer: In recent years, China and the UK have maintained generally stable development in bilateral military relationship. On September 10, General Li Zuocheng, Member of China's CMC and Chief of the CMC Joint Staff Department, took a video call from General Sir Nick Carter, UK's Chief of the Defence Staff, and had a frank and in-depth exchange of views on regional security situation, national defense policy, relations between the two countries and militaries, and other issues of common interest. With increasing global challenges, Enhancing exchanges and cooperation between China and the UK is not only in the common interests of the two countries, but is also conducive to world peace, stability and development.

In recent years, the situation in the Asia-Pacific region remained stable in general. Most countries in this region have actively carried out anti-pandemic cooperation, strengthened joint prevention and control, and speeded up production resumption to promote economic recovery. However, it is noted that this year the British side has significantly increased its military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region, which is not conducive to regional peace and stability. The Chinese armed forces will take necessary measures to earnestly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and maintain regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Question: Recently, a burial ceremony was held in Shenyang City for the eighth batch of remains of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs who died in the Republic of Korea (ROK), drawing extensive attention from the society. On September 30, the Martyrs' Day, people across the country commemorated the revolutionary martyrs in various ways. What activities will the PLA hold to commemorate and pay tribute to the martyrs and heroes?

Answer: Since 2014, the remains of 825 CPV martyrs have been escorted home from ROK in batches by special planes for reburial . The nation and the people greeted the martyrs with solemn ceremonies, and every year a large number of people spontaneously went to pay respect to them. The motherland will never forget its sons and daughters that have sacrificed their lives for her.

The war is over, but the heroes will be remembered forever. On this year’s Martyrs’ Day, the PLA will commemorate the heroes by paying homage to the martyrs’ cemeteries, visiting revolutionary sites, and holding online memorial ceremonies. Staying true to our original aspiration and founding mission, the PLA will strive to score new victories and new glories in the journey of building a strong military in the new era.

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