US is instigator and master of bullying behaviors:Defense Spokesperson

China Military Online
Li Wei
2022-05-26 17:53:30

BEIJING, May 26 -- The US remarks reflect its strong Cold War mentality, hegemonic mentality and anxieties over China's peaceful rise, and the words chosen by the US such as "bullying" or "undermining international rules and order" are just a reflection of itself, said Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, at a regular press conference in Beijing on Thursday.

Senior Colonel Wu made such response when commenting on relevant remarks made by the US side. According to reports, US Secretary of Defense Austin said in a recent Senate hearing that the focus of US military deployment lies in confronting China's "aggressive bullying behavior". Meanwhile, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley also expressed that both China and Russia, the two major powers faced by the US, feature strong military strength and are trying to fundamentally undermine the rules-based international order.

As for such statements, Senior Colonel Wu remarked that the US is the well-deserved instigator and master of "bullying behaviors" in international relations. He illustrated that the US blatantly invaded Iraq by citing a test tube of white powder, resulting in massive civilian casualties and displacement of numerous families. It also took armed intervention in Syria's internal affairs by citing a false video with the White Helmets, causing a tragic humanitarian disaster.

“The Chinese people will never forget that in May of 23 years ago, the US-led NATO bombed the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, causing another bloody debt to the Chinese people. These are both bullying behaviors and crimes,” he added.

In addition, Wu made it clear that the US has also been a globally recognized rule-breaker when it comes to the rules-based international order, and it is the least qualified to blame other countries in terms of international law and rules. The US always applies international law and rules when they conform, and abandons them when they disagree, he said, adding that the US has successively withdrawn from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and the Treaty on Open Skies in recent years, which fully demonstrate its selfishness and hypocrisy.

“It is hoped that the US should accept China's peaceful development in an objective and rational mood, and stop the wrong practices of packaging its own laws and regulations as international rules to promote the US-style hegemonic order,” stressed the spokesperson, adding that it would be beneficial to China-US relations and world peace and stability.


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