The assessment team exchanges views with the 17th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon.
BEIJING, Mar. 11 (ChinaMil) -- Three detachments of the 17th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon, which are the multifunctional engineer detachment, the engineering construction detachment and the medical detachment, passed successively the first military capability assessment of the UN this year with high standards on March 7, local time.
The assessment team comprised of more than ten people from seven departments of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). They have conducted one-by-one evaluation on the three Chinese peacekeeping detachments by debriefing, counterpart inquiries, documents consulting and on-the-the-spot inspection.
The assessment was divided into 8 categories, such as operation, training, medical care and so on, including 128 assessment items such as combat readiness training level, tasks completion capability, medical first-aid treatment, emergency early-warning, daily personnel management, etc.. The purpose was to fully test the combat readiness and the mission-performing ability of the Chinese peacekeepers.
After the assessment, Lieutenant Colonel Zhu Le, head of the assessment team and member of the combat engineering department of the UNIFIL headquarters, was pleased about the result and commented that, "The Chinese peacekeeping troops have been well prepared for the assessment both on hardware and software equipment, and are also very familiar with the situations. The assessment result showcases excellent military skills and positive image of the Chinese peacekeeping troops."
Since the deployment to the mission area in May last year, the Chinese peacekeepers have cleared 6,403 square meters of minefields, discovered and disposed 1,327 mines safely, and completed over 70 construction projects including the UNIFIL ammunition disposal site and headquarters helipad, security defense facilities for the Ghanan barracks, and so on. Furthermore, Chinese peacekeepers have accumulatively treated more than 5,000 people in the UNIFIL, and over 3,000 people in the vicinity of the mission area.