By Jia Chunming, Liu Xiaoshuai and Ale Musi
Lt. Gen. Dennis Gyllensporre of Sweden - Force Commander of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) reviews the Chinese peacekeeping force during the UN Peace Medal of Honor awarding ceremony held by MINUSMA on March 7, 2019. (Photo by Jia Chunming)
MALI, March 11 (ChinaMil) -- All 395 members of the 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali were awarded the United Nations Peace Medals of Honor by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) at a ceremony held at the Chinese Camp of the MINUSMA Super Camp in Gao on the morning of March 7, local time.
Over 70 guests, including the MINUSMA Force Commander Lieutenant General Dennis Gyllensporre, Chinese Ambassador to Mali Zhu Liying, local government officials and commanders of the peacekeeping forces to Mali from other countries, attended the ceremony.
Since its deployment in May 2018, Chinese peacekeeping troops have overcome the difficulties of the security situation and the harsh natural environment, and performed their peacekeeping missions well. MINUSMA, the Mali government and local people spoke highly of the performance of the Chinese peacekeepers.
The 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali consists of a guard detachment, an engineer detachment, and a medical detachment. The 395 Chinese peacekeepers are responsible for security, engineering support, medical treatment and other tasks in the Sector East of the MINUSMA.
Since the deployment, the guard detachment has performed excellently in the defending and emergency support operations of the Sector East Command of the MINUSMA and the Super Camp in Gao. It has participated in the handling of 46 emergencies and performed 321 escort missions, widely known as the “model of Sector East.” The engineering detachment has successfully completed 54 construction projects including the renovation of the Super Camp in Gao and the Menaka Camp. They have also set up the “Chinese model” in terms of construction speed, mission standards and operation quality. The medical detachment has provided medical support for over 6,200 peacekeepers from 36 countries in the Sector East and Sector North of the MINUSMA and has diagnosed 3,795 patients. It has rescued 22 patients in critical conditions who suffered from gunshots and compound strikes. The MINUSMA force commander and the peacekeepers from various countries all spoke highly of the Chinese medical detachment.
“In the past 10 months, you have successfully overcome hardships and risked your lives to guard the peace and tranquility here,” said Lt. Gen. Dennis Gyllensporre, the MINUSMA Force Commander, as he recognized the outstanding contribution made by the Chinese peacekeepers to maintain peace and stability in Mali during the ceremony.
He said that the 395 officers and soldiers were at the forefront of safeguarding world peace and that despite the severe security situation and the test of the natural environment, the Chinese peacekeepers have successfully completed the tasks assigned by MINUSMA with high standards. The 6th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali has inherited the fine traditions of Chinese peacekeeping forces, and has achieved great results. It is a great honor to have Chinese peacekeepers, said Gyllensporre.