PLA Navy's aircraft carrier task forces constantly improves

China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2022-10-31 19:05:30

BEIJING, Oct. 31-- In recent years, the PLA Navy has accelerated developing its weapons and equipment and enhanced its systematic combat capability.

On September 1, 2017, with the commissioning of the ocean-going comprehensive supply ship Hulunhu (Hull 965), the PLA Navy’s aircraft carrier task force was equipped with a mobile refueling station on the sea, which ensured it the capability to explore the far sea.

The PLA Navy’s destroyers, as armed escort of the carrier, have grown bigger and heavier, from the earliest Type 052C to 052D and to the current Type 055, being able to carry more and more diverse weapon systems.

Among them, the 10,000-ton-class Type 055 guided missile destroyer is equipped with new types of air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons, boasting a strong capability of information perception, air and missile defense, and attacking targets at sea, which greatly strengthened the escorting performance of the carrier task force.

As a new member of the PLA naval family, the type 075 amphibious assault ship can be equipped with helicopters and even fixed-wing aircraft in addition to landing crafts and amphibious vehicles. It is able to carry out a variety of combat and non-combat military operations in diverse battlefields, playing an irreplaceable role in expanding the scope of operation areas for the Chinese PLA Navy.


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