Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon open Chinese and TCM training courses


China Military Online
Wang Xinjuan
2022-08-05 17:21:24

北京8月5日电 -- 近日,中国第20批赴黎巴嫩维和部队官兵利用任务间隙开设了汉语和中医培训班,目的是通过文化架起一座“和平之桥”,让更多的人了解中国传统文化。培训班参训学员达200余人次。

BEIJING, Aug. 5 -- Recently, the 20th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon opened training courses on the basic Chinese language and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) such as acupuncture and cupping therapies during mission intervals, in a bid to build a "bridge of peace" with culture to render more people learn about traditional Chinese culture. The training courses have drawn more than 200 learners from peacekeeping troops of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and local Lebanese commuities.


"As UN peacekeepers, we need to work with service members from many countries, it is beneficial to master one more language, and the Chinese language is a good option, it will facilitate our work in the UNIFIL," said a female Sri Lankan officer.

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