Chinese peacekeeping engineers undergo training for future mission in Lebanon

China Military Online
Li Wei
2022-05-07 18:10:07
Soldiers of the 21st Chinese peacekeeping multi-functional engineering contingent to Lebanon receive explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) training.

BEIJING, May 7 -- A total of 196 troops to join the 21st Chinese peacekeeping multi-functional engineering contingent to Lebanon gathered in a brigade under the PLA's 75th Group Army on May 6 to participate in a three-month closed intensive training and assessment to make full preparation for their peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon.

The intensive training covers 16 specialties including demining, explosive ordnance disposal, engineering construction, etc., in a bid to enhance the peacekeepers’ professional competency and teamwork.

It is learnt that, after the intensive training, the 196 troops will leave for Lebanon to take over the peacekeeping mission from the 20th Chinese peacekeeping multi-functional engineering contingent.


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