PLA Air Force holds national aerospace security and development forum

第七届“国家空天安全与发展论坛 ”在京举办

China Military Online
Wang Xinjuan
2022-04-21 17:11:56


By Gao Yujiao and Ye Haisong

北京4月21日电 近日,空军在京举办第七届“国家空天安全与发展论坛”。来自军地有关单位的领导和专家学者,就空天领域和空军建设运用前沿理论成果,破解空军备战打仗重大现实问题进行交流,为加速提升空军能力建设提供咨询参考。

BEIJING, April 21 -- Recently, the Chinese PLA Air Force held a forum on the national aerospace security and development in Beijing. Representatives, experts and scholars from relevant military and civilian units exchanged views on cutting-edge theoretical achievements in the aerospace field, as well as some major practical issues including the air force’s preparation for war.


This forum focused on topics such as future warfare, war command and capabilities improvement. It aimed to create a new training and combat preparation model that integrates research, exercise and training to accelerate the strategic transformation and improve combat effectiveness of the PLA Air Force.


Since its establishment in 2010, the forum has been successfully held six times. It has become an important platform for the PLA Air Force to explore the path of aerospace construction and gather the wisdom of aerospace development.

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