VR parachuting training system boosts growth of elite paratroopers


China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2022-03-15 22:00:32


By Li Hongyu

File Photo shows paratroopers assigned to a brigade of the airborne force fast rope from a helicopter in February. (Photo by Wu Yongfei)

北京3月16日电 --第82集团军某旅引入伞降VR系统,为新跳伞员提供沉浸式体验。

BEIJING, March 15 -- A brigade assigned to the PLA 82nd Group Army introduced a virtual reality (VR) parachute training system for new paratroopers.


The VR training system uses spatial positioning, virtual simulation and other technologies to build a realistic parachute environment, allowing new paratroopers to perceive different aerial emergencies, thereby reducing risks in actual parachute jump. In addition, the system can make evaluations based on the collected data to help the troops train scientifically.


The former training mode mainly relies on the long-term and arduous ground operations to train the paratroopers, and the talent growth cycle was long and not quite effective. However, the virtual parachuting training simulator enables new paratroopers to complete the whole process of actions indoors, which helps them master the essentials of movements in a short time.


The system not only improves the training level of the paratroopers, but also provides them a platform to experience new parachute types, unfamiliar environments, and new training subjects, which can greatly help the paratroopers adapt to different battlefield needs and improve their actual combat skills.

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