Western hackers cannot whitewash itself by defaming China


China Military Online
Li Wei
2021-07-21 17:21:09


By Nie Shuyi


On July 19, local time, the US gathered its European and Asia-Pacific allies to smear China hiring hackers to carry out cyber-attack on their private companies. US officials threatened that the US and its allies would not rule out taking further actions to hold China accountable.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made a solemn response on July 20 that a small number of countries cannot represent the whole international community, and defaming others will not whitewash themselves.


For a long time, accusing the Chinese government of "supporting hacking activities" is part of the US's deterrence strategy against China. The US tries to establish a leading position in the virtual world by suppressing China. Since the Biden administration came to power, it has pushed the country to play a leading role in cyberspace and tried its best to weaken China's influence in the international governance of cyberspace. Labeling China as a "cyber attacker" is an old trick by the US to tarnish China's image in cyberspace.


What is different from the past is that the US has drawn in its allies to gain momentum this time. The Hill commented that drawing in allies to pressure China on cyber-security issues is Biden administration's new direction to confront China. 殊不知,无论一些美西方国家如何虚张声势,都无法掩盖“贼喊捉贼”的本质。中国是网络攻击的主要受害国之一。中国国家互联网应急中心数据显示,2020年位于境外的约5.2万个计算机恶意程序控制服务器,控制了中国境内约531万台主机,就控制中国境内主机数量来看,美国及其北约盟国分列前三位。此外,美国中央情报局的网络攻击组织APT-C-39,曾对中国航空航天科研机构、石油行业、大型互联网公司以及政府机构等关键领域进行了长达11年的网络渗透攻击。

No matter how bluffing the US and other Western countries are, they cannot hide the fact that it is the "thieves who call for catching thieves". China is one of the main victims of cyber-attack. According to the data from the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC), in 2020, 52,000 computerservers controlled by malicious programs outside of China controlled about 5.31 million mainframes in China, and theUS and its NATO allies are among the top three in term of the number of these controlled mainframes. In addition, APT-C-39, a cyber-attack organization of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has conducted cyber penetration and attack on China’s key areas, such as aerospace research institutions, the petroleum industry, large-sized Internet companies and government agencies, for as long as 11 years.


The perpetrators of cyber-attack are now accusing the victims of creating cyber-attack. Such a sheer fabrication of rumors and a reversal of black and white is backed by nothing but its political purposes to defame and suppress China.

While the US and those Western countries accused China with so-called righteous words, they seem to have forgotten that just in May of this year, the US was exposed to make use of Denmark to monitor senior officials of many European countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel; In February last year, American, German and Swiss media jointly disclosed that the CIA secretly acquired a Swiss encryption equipment manufacturer to crack all confidential documents transmitted by the equipment with deliberately-planted bugs; Assange, a founder of Wikileaks, once revealed that the US has developed more than 2,000 cyber weapons, making it the world's largest cyber weapons power; not to mention these eavesdropping scandals such as "PRISM" and "WikiLeaks" that have been revealed in the past few years. Every case shows that the US is "the largest home of hackers" in the online world.


Cyber-security is a global issue that concerns the common interests of all countries and needs to be jointly maintained by the international community. Politicization and stigmatization bring no benefits to solve cyber-security issues, but further weaken mutual trust among countries and affect their normal cooperation in this field. The US and the West should take care of their own problems of eavesdropping, rather than being busy with making groundless accusations against China on cyber-security issues and engaging in small circle diplomacy.

Editor’s note: This article is originally published on haiwainet.cn, and is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of eng.chinamil.com.cn.

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