Beijing Xiangshan Forum: young military officers and scholars exchange on security concerns

China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2019-10-21 17:35:22
The picture shows the Young Officers and Scholars Seminar of the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum. (Photo by Zhang Shimeng)

By Lyu Desheng, Liu Xiongma and Xiang Pengcheng

BEIJING, Oct. 21 (ChinaMil) -- "This seminar helps us to gain a more specific understanding of the security concerns of different countries. It helps us to better understand each other and to have a more diverse and a broader perspective on various problems," said Zhang Chi, a young scholar from the National Security College of the PLA National Defense University, after attending the Young Officers and Scholars Seminar of the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum on October 20.

As a warm-up for the 2019 Beijing Xiangshan Forum, the seminar attracted more than 20 young military officers and scholars from China, the US, ROK, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. Covering major power competition, terrorism, trust deficit, climate change...each speaker’s speech closely followed the new changes in the current international security environment.

In addition to introducing themselves and presenting their own views during the round-table seminar, delegates also have the opportunity to conduct more in-depth exchanges in the TV debate session.

"What is the biggest threat to international security?" The young delegates gave different answers to the host’s question. The answer given by Zhang Chi is the destruction of international rules by some countries. The delegate from Israel believes that the answer is terrorism. Some others believe that it is the growing major power competition.

"The delegates are from different countries and have different backgrounds. It is normal to have different opinions on the issues. This also reflects the openness and inclusiveness of the forum,"said seminar host Zhao Xiaozhuo. The young officers and scholars are likely to be participants in future decision-making. Seminars for young officers and scholars can help them to understand each other's concerns and enhance mutual trust, said Zhao.

The term "trust deficit" was repeatedly mentioned during the seminar. Filippo Fasulo, Scientific Coordinator at the Italy-China Foundation's Centre on Business Research (CeSIF), said that the trust between some countries has declined for various reasons, leading to a worsening environment for cooperation between countries. This indicates that people must achieve balance between safety and development.

Shen Jianan from the PLA Academy of Military Sciences said that it is better to establish mutual trust through communication platforms similar to the Beijing Xiangshan Forum in order to improve the "tolerance" of international relations and international order, and enhance the capability to respond to "black swan incidents."

"We should have the consciousness as the world citizens so that we can lead the development of the future," said a scholar from Pakistan in accordance with his own growth experience. He believes that education is the key to improving people's living standards, and the essential to help people know the world correctly and learn to share.

"Communication and mutual trust between young people in various countries is conducive to reducing misunderstandings and misjudgments, and is an important guarantee for future international security," said Zhao Xiaozhuo. Through exchanges, delegates of other countries have had a deeper understanding of China's peaceful development, and other issues as well, which could also be an important gain from this seminar, said Zhao.

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