The 8th Beijing Xiangshan Forum will be held from October 24 to 26 in Beijing, and will bring together delegates from different countries, international organizations, and renowned experts and scholars from all over the world.
The theme of the forum is, "Building a New Type of Security Partnership of Equality, Mutual Trust and Win-Win Cooperation."
Topics for four plenary sessions include "International Security Governance: New Ideas and Approaches," "Global Terrorism: Threats and Countermeasures," "Maritime Security Cooperation: Reality and Vision," and "UN Peacekeeping: Challenges and Cooperation."
Simultaneous special sessions will also be held, namely, "The New Dynamics in Northeast Asia Security," "Ways and Means of Addressing the Security Issues in the Middle East," "Reflection on Military and Security Confidence Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific" and "Artificial Intelligence and the Conduct of Warfare."
The forum's agenda includes an opening ceremony, plenary sessions, simultaneous special sessions and a young officers and scholars seminar.